报告题目:Sequences with Good Properties for Modern Communication and Radar
报告人:周正春 西南交通大学
报告简介:Large sets of sequences with optimal correlation and low PAPR are desirable in modern wireless communication and radar. In this talk, we shall introduce the metrics (including correlation and PAPR) of sequences for measuring their performance in practical applications. We then recall the well-known bounds on these metrics, and some classical sequences meeting the bounds. We shall also introduce a new family of sequences with large size, optimal correlation and low PAPR.
个人简介:西南交通大学教授、博士生导师、四川省自然科学基金创新群体负责人、国家级青年人才。一直致力于面向现代通信、雷达、信息安全和数据降维的编码理论和智能电子对抗技术研究,在应用数学和信息论领域权威期刊发表论文80余篇(包括领域权威期刊IEEE TIT 35篇),成果共被引用4000余次;先后完成60余多项国家级、省部级、国防和企业委托项目;曾获全国百篇优博论文奖、教育部自然科学二等奖(2次)、湖北省自然科学一等奖、华为WiFi标准卓越贡献奖、詹天佑青年科技奖、茅以升铁道科技奖。带领团队,综合运用代数、组合、优化与人工智能算法,设计的7类序列编码入选WiFi、UWB和光通信国际标准、设计的两类波形服务于国家某重大演习。担任IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking、Cryptography and Communications、Advances in Mathematics of Communications三个国际SCI期刊编委。