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张力力 Ph.D.

四川师范大学 计算机科学学院 教育技术系 讲师

手机13980662029 | 邮箱zhanglili@sicnu.edu.cn | 简历链接



Lili Zhang Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Instructional Technology,

College of Computer Science, Sichuan Normal University, China

Tell: (86)13980662029 | E-mail: zhanglili@sicnu.edu.cn | Online CV: Link

Research Interests: Instructional Technology, Online Learning, GamificationEdutainment

Courses Taught: Instructional Design, Distance Education, Computer Assisted Instruction, Application of Modern Educational Technology, New Development and Innovation of Information-Technology Education


Syracuse University         教学设计、开发与评估  哲学博士   2020.12 导师:Jing Lei

Syracuse University  教学设计、开发与评估  理科硕士   2014.05 导师:Tiffany Koszalka

西南财经大学    经贸英语        文学学士   2012.06


美国雪城大学Syracuse University) 助教、培训讲师  2017.08 - 2020.12

s   执教本科生课程《Integrating Technology into Instruction》(I、III),为期三年。

s   多次主持Fulbright Scholar项目的《中小学教育技术整合》培训,为来自13个国家的中小学教师培训包含可视化技术、游戏化教学、VR的教育运用等内容。

s   为国际培训、绩效、教学标准委员会(IBSTPI)设计电子教学材料。

四川省教育科学研究院   科研人员    2014.09 - 2017.07

s   参与组织系列省级监测评估项目:《四川省县域义务教育均衡发展监测》、《义务教育人民满意度监测》、《四川省义务教育阶段学生阅读素养监测》、《四川省国家义务教育质量监测》等。

s   参与编写《四川省基础教育学业质量监测工具质量评价规范》(DB51/T 2115-2016)及各类监测年度报告。

s   参与设计开发四川省基础教育监测评估信息系统,以及各类监测培训教程。


s   2022- 担任Education Sciences Special Issue Guest Editor

s   2021- 担任The Journal of Technology Integrated Lessons and Teaching (JTILT)编委

s   2014-2016中国教育技术协会信息技术教育专业委员会理事

s   2014-2022成都东方闻道科技发展有限公司教学设计师(兼职)

Lili Zhang Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Instructional Technology,

College of Computer Science, Sichuan Normal University, China

Tell: (86)13980662029 | E-mail: zhanglili@sicnu.edu.cn

Research Interests: Instructional Technology, Online Learning, GamificationEdutainment

Courses Taught: Instructional Design, Distance Education, Computer Assisted Instruction, Application of Modern Educational Technology, New Development and Innovation of Information-Technology Education


Syracuse University, Instructional Design Development & Evaluation, Ph.D. 2020’

Syracuse University, Instructional Design Development & Evaluation, M.S. 2014’

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, English for Economics and Trade, B.A 2012’


Syracuse University 2017.08 - 2020.12

Instructor, Trainer, Instructional Designer

s   Taught IDE201, Integrating Technology into Instruction I (2017/8-12; 2018/8-12); IDE401, Integrating Technology into Instruction III (2018/1-5; 2019/1-5; 2019/8-12; 2020/1-5).

s   Designed and took the lead of several workshops IDD&E department provided for Fulbright Scholars, covering Web 2.0, Web Accessibility, Web info evaluation; Digital Storytelling, Visualization, Gamification and Technology-enhanced assessment for diverse learners, 2019/1-5.

Sichuan Institute of Educational Research 2014.09 - 2017.07

s   Researcher, Instructional Designer

s   Designed and managed information system; designed and developed series of tutorials.

s   Organized series of educational assessment and evaluation projects:

s   2016 National Quality Monitoring and Evaluation of the Chinese and Art Study of Students at the Stage of Compulsory Education in Sichuan;

s   2015 Assessment and Evaluation of the Reading Literacy of Students at the Stage of Compulsory Education in Sichuan;

s   Survey of the Degree of Satisfaction of Country Compulsory Education in Sichuan;

s   Survey of the Evaluation of the Balanced Development of Country Compulsory Education in Sichuan (2014 & 2015 reports published);

s   Drafted the provincial standard of the Quality Evaluation Criterion of the Academic Quality Monitoring Tool of Basic Education (DB51/T 2115—2016, published).

Other Affiliations

s   2021- The Journal of Technology Integrated Lessons and Teaching (JTILT), Editorial board member

s   Council member of China Association for Educational Technology 2014.10.28-2016.10.28;

s   Chengdu Eastedu Science and Technology Ltd 2012 – 2022 Instructional Designer (Parttime)



Journal articles

Cheng, J., & Zhang, L. (2022). The Influences of a Gamification Design on Student Interaction in an Online Asynchronous Discussion. Modern Distance Education, DOI:10.13927/j.cnki.yuan.20220221.001.

Zhang, L., Cheng, J., Lei, J., Wang, Q., & Yang, F. (2021) Using digital canvas to facilitate student questioning in large lecture classes: a mixed-methods study, Interactive Learning Environments, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2021.2007135

Zhang, L., Cheng, J., Lei, J., & Wang, Q. (2020). How the Anonymous Feature of Audience Response System Influences the Interactions of Students by Different Types of Questions. Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange(JETDE). 13(1), 39-56.

Zhang, L., & Zhang, Y. (2018). Pilot study of the influence of social anxiousness on students’ classroom interactions among Chinese undergraduates. Journal of Global Education and Research, 2(1), 61-71. Retrieved from https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/jger/vol2/iss1/5

Zhang, L. (2017). Misuse of Gamification in Educational APP. The Chinese Journal of ICT in Education, 2, 16-19.

Zhang, L. (2017). Use Interactive Video to Improve Online Learning. The Chinese Journal of ICT in Education. 20, 94-96.

Zhang, L., Li, W. (2016). The Gamification of MOOCs. China Information Technology Education. 13, 117-120.

Zhang, L., Zhang, X. (2016). Artificial Intelligence and the Basic Education. Education Science Forum. 10, 28-29.

Zhang, L., Liu, Y., Tang, H. (2016). Comparative-effectiveness research of two types of smart bilingual subtitles. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 13(8), 37-47.

Book Chapter

Koszalka, T.A., Wilhelm-Chapin, M.K., Hromalik, C.D., Pavlov, Y., & Zhang, L.(2019). Promoting deep learning with interactive technologies: Theoretical perspectives in designing interactive learning resources and environments. In P. Díaz, A. Ioannou, K.K. Bhagat, & J.M. Spector (Eds.), Learning in a digital world: Perspective on interactive technologies for formal and informal education (pp. 13–36). Singapore: Springer.

Conference Presentations

Zhang, L., Cheng, J., Lei, J., Wang, Q., & Yang, F. (2021). The Use of a Digital Question Board to Engage "Vulnerable Students" in Large Lecture Classes. Poster presented at the 2021 Virtual American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, April 9 - 12, 2021.

Lei, J., Zhang, L., Cheng, J., Yang, T., & Wang, Q. (2019). Digital Natives as Preservice Teachers: What Technology Do They Use and How, presented at the 2019 AECT International Convention in Las Vegas.

Cheng, J., Lei, J., Zhang, L. (2018). The influence of gamification design on students’ interaction in an online discussion forum, presented at the 2019 AERA Annual Meeting in Toronto, Canada.

Cheng, J., Zhang, L., Lei, J. (2018). Assessing Online Academic Discussion from a Knowledge Building Perspective: An Exploratory Case Study, presented at the 2019 AERA Annual Meeting in Toronto, Canada.

Zhang, L., Cheng, J., Lei, J. (2018). The Influence of Anonymous Feature of ARS on the Interactions of Students with Different Levels of Social Anxiousness, presented at the roundtable session of 2018 AECT International Convention in Kansas City, MO, United States. More


s   Improving student engagement through digital communication channel, Sichuan Normal University, Undergraduate Teaching Reform Project ($1600), 2021

s   The use of digital question board to facilitate interaction and learning in large lecture classes, Syracuse University, School of Education, Creative Research Grant ($1000), 2019

Awards and Honors

s   AECT 2019 SICETThe Society of International Chinese in Educational TechnologyBest Paper

s   SU: SOE Scholarship, 2014 IDD&E Design & Development Award, Creative Research Grant, IDD&E Dissertation Fellowship, 2020IDD&E Project Leadership Award, 2020 Margaret & Alexander Charters Award for Scholastic Excellence in Adult and Continuing Education, 2021 IDD&E Doctoral Prize, 2021 IDD&E Outstanding Research Award; IDD&E Dissertation Fellowship

s   SWUFE: The First Prize Scholarship, Merit Student, Scholarships for Culture and Arts Prize, Outstanding Graduates Award