

[四川师范大学计算机科学学院]  [手机版本]  [扫描分享]  发布时间:2023年4月21日



Email: rwang@sicnu.edu.cn


l   Anomaly Detection

l   Data Privacy

ü  Differential Privacy

ü  Anonymization

l   Federated Learning

ü  Backdoor Attacks

ü  Defense Mechanisms


l   Postdoc: March. 2024 ~ Present, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Hosei University, Japan

l   Ph.D.: Sept. 2015 ~ June 2021, Computer Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, China

l   Visiting Student: Oct. 2018 ~ Oct. 2019, Data Mining and Security Lab, McGill University, Canada

l   Visiting Student: Feb 2017 ~ Jul 2017, Multimedia & Internet Security Lab, Feng Chia University, Taiwan, China


l   Principal Investigator, Sichuan Science and Technology Program (Jan. 2023 ~ Dec. 2024). Topic: Heterogeneous Data Release.

l   Principal Investigator, Scientific Research Staring Foundation of Sichuan Normal University (Sep. 2021 ~ Aug. 2025). Topic: Privacy Computing.


l   Rong Wang, Junchuan Liang, Siyu Wang, Chin-Chen Chang. A divide-and-conquer approach to privacy-preserving high-dimensional big data release. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 2024, 83: 103756.

l   Rong Wang, Benjamin C. M. Fung, Yan Zhu, Qiang Peng. Differentially private data publishing for arbitrarily partitioned data. Information Sciences, 2021, 553: 247-265.

l   Rong Wang, Benjamin C. M. Fung, Yan Zhu. Heterogeneous data release for cluster analysis with differential privacy. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020, 201-202: 106047.

l   Rong Wang, Yan Zhu, Chin-Chen Chang, Qiang Peng. Privacy-preserving high-dimensional data publishing for classification. Computers & Security, 2020, 93: 101785.

l   Rong Wang, Yan Zhu, Tung-Shou Chen, Chin-Chen Chang. Privacy-preserving algorithms for multiple sensitive attributes satisfying t-closeness. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2018, 33(6): 1231-1242.

l   Rong Wang, Yan Zhu, Tung-Shou Chen, Chin-Chen Chang. An authentication method based on the turtle shell algorithm for privacy-preserving data mining. The Computer Journal, 2018, 61(8): 1123-1132.

l   Rong Wang, Yan Zhu, Jiefan Tan, Binbin Zhou. Detection of malicious web pages based on hybrid analysis. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 2017, 35: 68-74.


